Maximum Enjoyment, Minimum Stress: Deciding Your Dining Options While on Holiday

A British newspaper has published a list of rules for dining while on holiday. There are some valid points within the article, even though much of what is suggested is just common sense. Although aimed at Brits jetting across over to Europe for their summer holidays, such advice can also be helpful for Australians who might be holidaying overseas or even in their own backyard. In order to maximise your enjoyment of your dining experiences on holiday while minimising fuss and subsequent stress, what are some of the things you might want to consider?

Don't Overdo Your Planning

Do your research, but only to a point. The internet certainly makes it easy to compile a list of dining options that you'll want to try while at your destination, but it can also complicate matters. You're not the only one who might want to try the best burger in town, especially on a weekend during peak holiday season, so you should be flexible enough to have a plan B. Also, you should only sparingly rely on restaurant reviews. There are those who believe that many online review platforms are inherently flawed, so don't obsess about whether a restaurant has a few bad reviews. Just because some pedantic person wasn't delighted by their dining experience, it doesn't mean that you won't enjoy that location. 

An Antisocial Dining Activity

Think twice before taking photos of your food for social media. Only do so if it's not going to be an annoyance to your dining companions (and don't just assume — actually ask), and if it doesn't cause a disturbance to other diners in the restaurant (so avoid a grandiose rearrangement of the table to get the perfect photo). The restaurant might also be unimpressed, with a number of venues now banning photography of their food. Be sure to check.

Just Take It Easy

Don't feel like getting ready and making your way across an unfamiliar town before attempting to locate somewhere to eat? Then don't! You're on holiday, and the hectic nature of attempting to make every moment of the holiday count can diminish your enjoyment. Look at local food delivery options or just enjoy a relaxed meal at the hotel restaurant. Not every holiday meal needs to be such a grand occasion.

In short, go with your gut (both figuratively and literally). If the menu looks interesting and makes your stomach growl while being within your budget, then give it a go. Sometimes a spontaneous discovery can make for the most satisfying holiday meal.
